"I appreciate companies that see the connection between cause and effect. I think it is one of the most important aspects of humans within nature. We have the power to stop destroying and polluting the waters and soil around us. I respect and admire companies who strive to minimize their negative impact. I reward companies who take the time and effort to think about the process they use to obtain their resources and products.” — Male, 25-34, North Carolina
When asked about the importance of certain attributes in their purchases with relation to agricultural practices, many consumers rated fair payments to farmers/ranchers, elimination of toxic pesticides, improved water conservation and runoff, animal waste management, as well as soil and microbial health as extremely important to them. The highest ranked items (7 on a 7-point scale):
gives fair payment to farmers and ranchers
eliminates toxic pesticides
promotes water conservation and clean water run-off
animal waste and nutrients are managed properly to minimize environmental impact
encourages soil and microbial health
Learn about these topics and more at the #BillionPersonMovement Global Challenge Event February 27, 2020 | San Francisco, CA
AGRICULTURE Farmers Are Carbon Heroes
Soil carbon not only stores carbon dioxide (CO2), but also offers other benefits—it acts as a chemical filter (with soil minerals) for clean water, reduces soil erosion, conserves water, provides microbial habitats and sources of long‐term slow‐release nutrients, and improves soil structure and productivity. Soil organic matter (SOM) can be stockpiled using numerous best management practices including sustainable forestry practices; no‐till and conservation tillage in cropped land; cover cropping; and forage, agro-forestry, wetland, and grassland management.
This session explores the economic benefits that come with a regenerative approach to carbon sequestration through agriculture and ranching.
The #BillionPersonMovement Global Challenge was created by ReGenFriends™ for organizations and companies to share their programs and ideas to reach a billion people by Earth Day 2023. Our focus is 100% on end-users. B2B and B2C are included. NET-POSITIVE regenerative practices will be featured throughout the day via keynotes, panels, and pitches. Panel topics include:
Soil Health is Planetary Wealth
AGRICULTURE Farmers Are Carbon Heroes
FOOD Transparency is the New IP
TEXTILES Fabrics Weaving A Regenerative Future
APPAREL Cool Clothing for a World Full of Hot People
PACKAGING Size (of impact) Matters
We are a woman-owned and self-funded small business that's passionate about creating a place for open dialogue while designing a regenerative future for all.
Fixed costs (venue and food only) for this event are roughly $175/person.
Ticket price includes: light breakfast, buffet lunch and hosted happy-hour reception with menus developed by celebrated James Beard award-winning chef Traci Des Jardins. Ingredients are farm to fork and sourced from local farmers with sustainable practices. The #BillionPersonMovement Global Challenge is a zero-waste event.

The Presidio was carefully chosen not only because of its natural beauty and grandeur but also because it is a working example of regeneration. All venue proceeds go directly back into supporting The Presidio of San Francisco including trail restoration, renovations and education programs to grow children's appreciation for nature.
ReGenFriends #BillionPersonMovement Global Challenge Event
Feb 27, 2020, 8:30 AM – 6:30 PM
Presidio Golden Gate Club, 135 Fisher Loop, San Francisco, CA